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Exploring Types of SEO: A Comprehensive Guide for 2023

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

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Types of SEO have evolved over the years. In the early 2000s, SEO was simpler, but as the industry advanced, it became more complex.

When optimizing a website for search engines, you have to consider hundreds of rules to satisfy the various search engines ranking factors and at the same time keep your users happy.

Each type of SEO is responsible for a number of Search Engine Optimization rules.

types of seo


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of increasing organic traffic on search engine results pages (SERP). It is also referred to as organic search or listings. You must use SEO to boost your ranking if you want to rank first for all keywords

Because organic search is the most common way for people to discover and access online content, a good SEO strategy is essential for increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to your website.


Let us now have a look at the different types of SEOs in 2023 to get a better understanding of how search engines work.

white hat seo

When you hear someone say White-Hat SEO, that means the Search Engine Optimization practices or tactics that are in-line with the terms and conditions of the major search engines, including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, etc. It is one of the most important & common types of SEO.

White-hat SEO raises your search engine ranking on SERPs while maintaining the integrity of your website in accordance with the search engine's terms of service.

Using White Hat SEO practices is the best way to build an ethical, long-term successful website and business. Here are some important points to note when practicing White Hat SEO:

  • Offering quality content and services
  • Fast site loading times and mobile-friendliness
  • Using descriptive, keyword-rich meta tags
  • Making your site easy to navigate


black hat seo

Black hat SEO is a practice against search engine guidelines, used to get a site or page ranking higher in search results. These unethical tactics or practices don’t solve searcher questions and often leads to a penalty from search engines.

Black Hat techniques to avoid if you don’t want to be penalized by search engines:

  • Content Automation
  • Doorway Pages
  • Hidden Text or Links
  • Keyword Stuffing
  • Reporting a Competitor (or Negative SEO leading to Legal Complications)
  • Sneaky Redirects
  • Cloaking
  • Link Schemes
  • Guest Posting Networks
  • Link Manipulation
  • Article Spinning
  • Link Farms, Link Wheels or Link Networks
  • Rich Snippet Markup Spam
  • Automated Queries to Google
  • Creating pages, subdomains, or domains with duplicate content
  • Pages with malicious behavior, such as phishing, viruses, trojans, and other malware


grey hat seo

In simple terms, the material or content that you publish in accordance with the Grey-Hat SEO remains ill-defined. Knowing that Grey-Hat practices can save your website from losing traffic as you will be well-aware of the negative consequences on a search engine, this will help you adopt fair practices.

  • Buying Expired Domain / Domain Grabbing
  • Careful Keyword Stuffing (perfect keyword density)
  • Add Length to your Content (maintain quality)
  • Web 2.0 for Building Links
  • Social Bookmarking Sites
  • Link Exchange (Manual exchange only)
  • Multiple Social Media Accounts (Likes, Followers & Retweets)

Important: While many people may tell you that having backlinks are good for your website or page, it is a form of Gray Hat SEO. Having backlinks are good only when it`s from an Authoritative Website or page. Basically, what is means is that, your backlinks should come from a website that has a high authority in Google; they have lots of organic traffic & most of their page rank on the 1st or 2nd page.

If the backlinks are done through means of automation, or they come from a website that practices Black hat SEO, you will be red flagged by Google and your website/page will be penalized.

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The following list is a subset of the types of SEO in 2023, that are not different but makes it easier to understand the whole complicated process.


on page seo

On-page optimization encompasses everything your readers will see when they visit your website. For the most part, that means content. Effective On-Page SEO is built on high-quality, informative content, that solves question & problems of your readers.

The information you share has to be top notch so as to rank well in search engines.

One of the most import factors in Search Engine Optimization is the insertion of Keywords. If you`re writing a quality blog on any topic, you need to ensure it has a lot of relevant and related keyword. You also want your keywords to cover a single, specified topic.

  • A good page design is as important as your content. Providing good user experience through visual content is valuable to your page.
  • Use a clean and readable font, and visually appealing images related to the topic. Make sure the clickable elements are not too close and use H1, H2, H3, H4 correctly.
  • Make it easy for your user to navigate the website/page. Insert hyperlinks (internal links to relevant webpage/blog) in your readable content but do not overstuff it.
  • If you have multiple topics you write about, having a navigational section in your page is helpful. This is usually on the right side of the page, depending upon the template you use to build the website/blog.


  1. Any optimized page has only one “H1” tag. This is the heading of the page. Smaller the image size faster your page loading speed.
  2. Include keywords in the URL, title, first paragraph, and at least one sub-heading in your page.
  3. Do not copy or duplicate content from other web pages. Google will see this as Plagiarism and penalize your website/blog.


off page seo

Another name in the list of types of SEO, Off-Page is all about marketing your website/page. It has to do with your overall online presence. These are actions that you take as a content creator that impact your ranking on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

  • Creating backlinks from websites that have a good authority increases the visitor to your webpage/blogs. Google sees this as a vote of trust; that people around the internet value your content. Just make sure these backlinks are from authoritative sites.
  • Promoting your brand on social media is another way to create awareness and  improve your online presence. The more people talk about your brand on social media such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc, the more authority you build as a brand thus leading Google to recognize and rank you better.
  • Another important way to do Off-Page is to build relationship with fellow bloggers, content creators, digital marketing personalities, and influencers. Comment on blogs similar to your niche or guest blog quality content for someone else`s website.

Tip: Answer people`s queries on forums such as, Reddit, Quora or GQH (Google Question Hub). This will bring in a lot traffic to your website/blog and is a good method for Off-Page SEO.


local seo

If you`re looking to promote your brand or business in a certain geographical location then Local SEO is the way to go.

Basically, if you want people coming to your offline store or office for purchasing good or services then you need to optimize your website for Local SEO.

  • Start by making sure the NAP(name, address, and phone number) of your business is listed on every page of your website/blog.
  • Create a Google My Business account. This will list you in Google Maps and people will find it easier to locate your business or offline store.
  • Add the Local Business Schema markup.
  • List your website on online directories such as, Justdial, Sulekha, Indiamart, etc.
  • Promote you business or brand on local newspapers that have an online presence.

The visibility of your website on search engines is an integral part of Search Engine Optimization. Making sure all the technical parameters are taken care of is Technical SEO. This is one of the most important types of SEO.

Simply put, the main goal here is to ensure that search engine crawlers can crawl and index a website without any problems.

Here are a few ways you can make sure to tick mark all parameters of Technical SEO:

  • Check and optimize your robots.txt to ensure that search engines can access your website correctly.
  • Use GSC (Google Search Console) to add and verify your preferred domain for listing
  • Use the COVERAGE report to find and fix crawl errors.
  • Create an XML Sitemap and submit to all major search engines.
  • Optimize you site and URL structure.
  • Follow SEO friendly web design.
  • Create websites that load fast on both desktop and mobile devices.


ecommerce seo

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, an ecommerce website is far more complex than a blog or corporate website. Ecommerce is a huge industry and your website will have a lot more pages than any other website/blog.

Optimizing your headlines, product descriptions, meta data, internal link structure, and navigational structure for search and user experience is typical of ecommerce SEO. Each product you sell should have its own page designed to attract search engine traffic.

The homepage and category pages are the first pages of an online store. Before you begin working on your product pages, you must optimize these two types of pages.

  • Based on results from keyword research, optimize your product pages.
  • All visual elements (images & videos) should be optimized.
  • Add necessary schemas for offers, products, etc.
  • Use social media to promote your brand/store.
  • Add a Blog page to your website and write unique content on how your products can be helpful to people.
  • Adding a search bar in your pages will help people navigate your website.


  1. Use bullet points for product description. Proper use of keywords here will benefit you greatly.
  2. Add a CTA (Call To Action). For example; an Add to Cart/Bag button to start the purchase process. Promote limited edition or seasonal products on the homepage.
  3. Finally, getting rid of Ads is very import. Customers have come to your website to purchase your product, why lead them to a somewhere else. As an ecommerce your income should come from sales, not from clicks.


mobile seo

Mobile SEO is the combination of search engine optimization for websites and flawless viewing on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Because of the growing popularity of mobile devices, webmasters should be particularly concerned with their mobile SEO strategy.

When working on Mobile Search Engine Optimization, make sure you cover these guidelines:

  • Running the mobile friendly test on GSC (Google Search Console) is a good starting point for your website.
  • When using a website builder, you have the option to see how your page will look when seen on mobile devices. This helps in developing mobile friendly page.
  • Make sure that your website loads fast and is easy to navigate on mobile.
  • The user experience on mobile is not disturbed by aggressive advertising or popups.


One of the most import tools in Digital Marketing is Search Engine Optimization. If you`re just starting a website or blog you can get by with On-Page SEO.

If you`re looking to drive organic traffic to you website and rank high on search engines, then you have to concentrate on the top 3 types of SEO — On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical. No matter what type of website/blog you`re trying to rank, a multi-faceted SEO works best.

Update: According to Google`s latest algorithm update (Helpful Content Update), please stay away from CLICKBAIT (content whose main purpose is to attract visitors and then encourage them to click on links while not delivering values). This technique used to be a part of Gray Hat SEO, but not anymore.

Trouble getting your content to rank on the first page? Having your content optimized for SEO is highly important.

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